Viewers can watch some shows for free on the web, but for a monthly fee, they can watch even more shows on and do so on an expanding list of devices like iPads and smartphones. 但如果用户按月缴纳一定费用,则还可观看更多的节目,而且还可以在越来越多类似iPad和智能手机的设备上观看节目。
Making the most of cio_ignore: Or, how to shorten your list of "must sense and analyze" boot path devices. 尽量使用cioignore:或如何减少“必须进行探测和分析”的引导路径设备。
So, the operating system then skims the list of attached PCI devices, and starts loading those drivers. 因此,操作系统可以丢弃连接到系统上的PCI设备列表,并开始加载这些设备。
Click Hard Drive and navigate to the type of disk desired, or click List all devices. 单击HardDrive导航到所需要的磁盘类型,或单击Listalldevices。
To find the SCSI device name for the CD/ DVD ROM drive, use the lsscsi command to list all SCSI devices, and use grep to find cd/ dvd 要查找CD/DVDROM驱动器的SCSI名字,可以使用lsscsi命令显示所有的SCSI设备,并使用grep来查找cd/dvd
The bootlist maintains a list of all boot devices available to the system for each boot method. 启动列表维护系统的各种启动方法所对应的所有启动设备的列表。
It will list all the networks, interfaces, devices. 这会列出所有网络、接口和设备。
An application that was originally written on a system based on a2.4 kernel would find this device list in/ proc/ bus/ usb/ devices. 在系统中最初基于内核2.4编写的应用程序将在/proc/bus/usb/devices目录下找到该设备列表。
You can use cio_ignore to shorten the list of devices that are to be sensed and analyzed during boot process. 您可以使用cioignore来减少引导时需要探测和分析的设备。
Allocating interrupt requests ( IRQs) to devices may actually be a useful service, because it allows the OS to just grab a list of devices and start running, without having to program them. 这种内核所需要加载的东西就是磁盘的设备驱动程序,其他可加载的模块都可以保存在磁盘上。然后在内核启动之后,可以动态加载这些模块。
As new devices make to the market, the availability of Address Book, Calendar and Task list on mobile devices is a bare necessity. 随着新设备不断上市,在移动设备上提供AddressBook、Calendar和TaskList成为了一项必然的要求。
At Fortune, we waded through the piles of gadgets and gizmos, comparing user reviews and product descriptions, to list seven of the most useful smart home devices on the market. 《财富》(Fortune)杂志仔细研究了一堆新产品,对比了用户的评论和产品描述,列出了7款市面上最好用的智能家居设备。
The4G network will also expand the list of supported devices beyond just cellphones and USB modems. 这种4G无线网络可以支持的设备种类将不仅限于手机和USB无线猫。
The following list shows the bandwidth being consumed by devices on each of the installed controllers. 以下列表显示出设备(位于每个已安装的控制器上)所消耗的带宽。
Bosch will quote for a list of tooling and devices and for commissioning. 博世公司将对用于调试的一套工具和服务作一个报价。
Some academics have suggested drawing up a list of permissible devices, much as the WTO has a list of legitimate trade barriers. 一些学者建议列出可行的策略,比如WTO就有一个合法贸易壁垒的清单。
Who id required to list their devices? 谁被要求列出他们的医疗用品?
A list includes more than one element only when multiple devices share the same IRQ. 一个链表只有在多个设备共享同一个IRQ时才会包含更多的元素。
Could not obtain the list of infrared devices in range. 无法获得有效范围内的红外线设备列表。
The list of all devices could not be retrieved. 无法检索所有设备的列表。
After the list is obtained, the cluster service attempts to scan all of the devices on the shared SCSI bus to find matching disk signatures. 获取列表后,集群服务会试着扫描共享SCSI总线上的所有设备来寻找匹配的磁盘签名。
Stepper motor drivers head the list of output devices. 步进马达驱动器在输出设备中排在首位。
Return a list of installed devices for all device setup classes or all device interface classes. 返回一个列表的所有设备安装类别或所有设备接口类安装设备。
In the import pictures and videos dialog box, choose your camera from the list of devices, and then click import. 在“导入图片和视频”对话框中,从设备列表中选择您的照相机,然后单击“导入”。
Select the devices that you want to use for sending faxes. Use the arrows to the right of the list to set the order in which devices are used to send faxes. 选择要用于发送传真的设备。使用列表右边的箭头设置传真发送设备的顺序。
As some new device comes along it too is added to the list rather than replacing one of the existing devices. 随着新产品的出现,他们的电子设备的数量还会不断增加。
This list is not complete. Also, given the speed with which new features are included into the Linux kernel, you can expect to see new virtual devices being added to the kernel. 这有一个没有完成的列表,同样,给出了添加一个新特性到Linux内核中的速度,你可以认为看到一个新虚拟设备已经添加到内核中。
Using the properties of access control list ( ACL) in this model, the policies described in different specification languages are mapped into access control lists, which are distributed to different network devices to enforce. 其原理是利用ACL的特性,将不同策略语言表示的策略映射到ACL,再分发给不同的网络设备运行。
Scene life system realizes the browsing and creation of scene, the browsing of album, the display of friend list, the function of a game and many other functions, and it provides users with new experience of touch-screen devices. SceneLife系统实现了场景的创建及浏览、相册的浏览、好友列表信息的显示和游戏的运行等功能,并给用户提供了新的触屏体验。
So the embedded device can be connect to a printer via USB cable, user can print out the account list report via the user interface of the embedded devices. 嵌入式设备通过USB线连接打印机后,通过嵌入式设备用户界面的操作打印出嵌入式设备中的账户列表等报表信息。